Intersection Improvement Project

--- Update ---

View slideshow presented at February 13, 2018 City Council session

or read about how it went according to The Northern View newspaper

Complete Streets for Prince Rupert would like to test out a low-cost, short-term improvement to an intersection in Prince Rupert with the goal of improving safety and comfort for all road users (see also 'tactical urbanism').

We would like to trial curb extensions at crosswalks using flexible bollards, reflective pavement tape and paint.  Click here to see an example of such an intersection.


Feedback from citizens resulted in several possible candidate intersections for safety enhancement.  Three locations are considered below.  


Safety:  In 2017, there were 11 pedestrian-vehicle crashes in Prince Rupert including one fatality.  7 of the 11 crashes occurred at intersections.  84% of Rupertites admitted feeling unsafe at crosswalks according to an online poll conducted by The Northern View newspaper.  Clearly, there is a demand to improve safety for everyone who uses our roads.

Changing how our streets are designed is a ‘highly effective’ way of reducing pedestrian-related crashes.  A curb extension (also known as neckdown or bulb-out) is a traffic calming measure which reduces the distance by which pedestrians must cross the street, reducing their exposure to vehicles.  Moreover, curb extensions place the pedestrian closer into the driver's line of sight without requiring them to enter the roadway.  They also tighten intersection curb radii and encourage slower turning speeds.  Research has shown that drivers are approximately 40% more likely to yield to pedestrians at an intersection with curb extensions.

CS4PR will consult with local artists in an attempt to make the intersection as attractive as possible in a way that highlights Prince Rupert’s local arts and culture.


CS4PR will fundraise the capital for all materials and installation costs.

Questions or comments?

Feel free to contact us.