Open Letter to City Councillors re: Redesign Rupert

Dear Mayor Lee Brain and Prince Rupert City Councillors,

With the Redesign Rupert consultations well underway, Complete Streets for Prince Rupert is contacting all City Councillors to ask that you advocate for safe, accessible and enjoyable streets for all road users throughout the Redesign process.

Overall, we would like infrastructure that promotes a variety of transportation choices and prioritizes the safety and convenience of vulnerable road users, that is people who walk, roll, cycle and take transit.

Specifically, we urge you to advocate for:

  1. Infrastructure that slows vehicles and improves visibility for all road users

  2. Safe and active routes to school so that more children can get to school on foot and by bicycle

  3. Protected spaces for cycling so that more people will feel comfortable choosing to ride bicycles

In the words of Dr. Rakel Kling, Northwest Medical Health Officer, "It should be easy and convenient for people to choose to walk, ride bicycles or take transit to access education, employment, shopping, healthcare, recreation, cultural events and social connections. Complete streets would make a significant contribution toward a healthier Prince Rupert."


Complete Streets for Prince Rupert

(Images: NACTO)